Simon Peters is fast becoming one of Britain’s best-loved mediums. He has been working as a full-time medium for seven years and before that was a psychotherapist and counsellor. Simon is 43 years old and lives in Yorkshire. He is appearing at several venues in the area during November.

Hi Simon, when did you first realize you had your gift, of mediumship?

My first realization of the gift came when I was only four years old, when Spirit people started to communicate on a night whilst I was in bed and trying to get to sleep.

If you could change to a life of not being a medium, do you think that you would still carry on at the work or would you go to a life without your gift?

I haven’t always been a medium! In fact I have only been a full time medium since April 2005. I was a Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist for about 13 years and loved every year of it. I would not ever consider doing anything other than mediumship now, unless I were to lose the gift. I have devoted my life to helping people and will continue to do so (God willing).

Did you have any role model, or some other medium that you looked up to when you were developing your gift further?

No, not really. Although I do have great respect for some other mediums, the one thing that makes me different from other mediums is that I will find each individual person in the audience rather than just making ambiguous statements and waiting for someone to claim them. I get very frustrated with some very famous mediums who do that.

Does your qualification (psychotherapist) help you in your mediumship in any way? Did it help you to rationalize what was happening to you when you began to have contact with Spirits again?

Yes, in fact I believe it was the plan of Spirit people to make me a Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist so that I would maintain a sensitivity of understanding and compassion when working as a medium. My work as a therapist involved using hypnosis and in that relaxed state of mind I think the spirit world just got into my head.

How do you find time to fit in so many appearances with having a family life?

Well, I have two ex-wives who absolutely hate me. When you commit yourself to the spirit world you naturally spend so much time away from home and it gets extremely difficult. I have a partner of two years now called Sue, who is amazing. She works with me and helps out during my shows and that is wonderful.

What do you think about people that don’t believe in you, what would you say to people like that?

I am prepared to have any scientific test out there. I want the world to see that you do go somewhere when you die and I prove it every night up there on stage.

How do you feel when you are up there in front of an audience – isn’t it terribly nervewracking?

It’s taken me seven years just to calm down! To begin with, I was a complete nervous wreck with no plan, no structure to what I was doing. All I had was sheer, blind faith and the knowledge I had given myself to the spirit world. My appearances today are very different to those early days.

We are pleased to announce that Simon Peters is coming to a town near you.

The Hilton Hotel, Dartford On Wednesday 17th November.

Holiday Inn Hotel, Bexley On Thursday 1 8th November.

Novotel Hotel, Greenwich On Friday 19th November.

Bromley Court Hotel, Bromley On Saturday 20th November.

All doors op e n 7.30pm for 8.00pm start

Tickets £18 on the door and only £16 when you

book in advance on booking hot line Tell: - 09065150039