CRIME is continuing to fall in Bromley, with a 12 per cent drop in the number of offences.

Figures released last week show that there were a total of 9,243 offences recorded from April 1 to August 31, compared to 10,710 in the same period last year.

Burglary is down 31.9 per cent, with 1,651 offences falling to 1,124, while violent offences decreased by 7.9 per cent, with 2,141 compared to 2,325 the previous year.

There was not a rise in the number of offences in any category of crime, with the number robbery and sexual offences remaining the same, at 281 and 91, respectively.

Borough commander Chief Superintendent Charles Griggs said he was pleased with the figures, and the improvement in Bromley’s emergency call response time.

He said: “In October 2007 our average emergency call response time was 30.32 minutes. Today it is a staggering 9.07 minutes. We have intense scrutiny of response times.”

Despite the falling crime rate, the figures from the Met Police’s last Public Attitude Survey, which is conducted every three months, show public confidence in Bromley police is low.

Mr Briggs said: “In the most recent survey, Bromley received the worst rating for ‘Police and council are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter to this area’.

“The score was 27 per cent, well below where we were a year ago, 58 per cent, and below the London average of 49 per cent.

“The Met are now looking at me and asking ‘What are you doing to attract such negative responses?’ “People in Newham for example, have a far higher level of confidence in their police than people in Bromley. Why is it?

“I would like to invite feedback on this issue. What would change people’s perception of their local police, and that of the Met? Please send me your thoughts to”

Total crime is down 12 per cent, from 10,710 to 9,423 offences.

Burglary is down 31.9 per cent, from 1,651 to 1,124 offences.

Violence offences are down 7.9 per cent, from 2,325 to 2,141 offences.

Motor vehicle crime is down 8.5 per cent, from 1,381 to 1,263 offences.

Knife crime is down 4.3 per cent, from 140 to 134 offences.

Gun crime is down 3.1 per cent, from 32 to 31 offences.

Racial and religious crime down is 21.5 per cent, from 181 to 142 offences.

Homophobic crime is down 60.5 per cent, from 38 to 15 offences.

Rape is down 6.5 per cent, from 31 to 21 offences.

Murder down 100 per cent, from 1 to 0 offences.

Sexual offences remain the same, with 91 offences.

Robbery remains the same, with 281 offences.