A NEW Cross gyratory system will be switched to a two-way system from this Sunday.

Transport for London (TfL) says converting the Kender Street Triangle back to two-way flow will make it easier for drivers passing through the area and will help to reduce traffic through the residential areas along Kender Street and Besson Street.

New signs, road markings and advanced warning signs are currently being placed around the area, warning drivers of the new layout.

TfL staff and the police will also be on site Sunday morning (September 5) to help manage the traffic switch, which will begin from 4am.

The gyratory, a one-way circular road, is being removed as part of TfL’s Kender Street Triangle improvement project and the Mayor of London’s £220m Great Outdoors public realm improvement initiative.

As well as the gyratory removal, the Kender Street scheme, which began in February this year, includes changes to footways, junctions and pedestrian crossings and a new bus and cycle lane.

Director of roads Dana Skelley said: “Work on the Kender Street Triangle is making excellent progress and restoring two-way traffic to this area is key to the ongoing regeneration of this area.

“Once this traffic switch is completed, we will finish the work we’ve already begun on improving the footways in the area, and we expect to have the whole improvement scheme completed by winter.”