Dear City,

In the time that we have known each other we have not always seen eye to eye. We have clashed on numerous occasions for all the right and wrong reasons but usually our tongues have been firmly stuck in our cheeks.

However, our latest confrontation resulted in us both venting our spleens, frothing at the bit and generally losing our rags. Well, that's life, I guess.

When all is said and done, I have always liked you and admired the way you have stood your ground. I suppose you remind me a bit of me.

You announced today that you will no longer be participating as 'City'. In my opinion, that is a shame. You are the only one who has had legs sturdy enough to stand up to old me and fight your corner. Not only have you stood your own corner, you have defended others at the same time.

It is for this reason that I ask you not to stand down and resign. I know you are a good man and one of virtue. You have values and that is rare these days.

It is true, we have spoken away from the Erastus blog and I know you to be a caring, kind and considerate person. Okay, sometimes I do not live up to your expectations of a nice person, but it takes all sorts to make the world go round.

I therefore ask you to please reconsider your resignation and suggest we bury the hatchet - not in my head, mind.

Your old adversary and (sometimes) admirer,

Erastus ;0)

PS: I hate your suit.