FLAT PLANS: St James Developments has applied to Bromley Council to develop the Sira mansion site, South Hill, Chislehurst.

It wants to convert the mansion into seven flats and convert the lodge and coach house into single homes. If the application is approved on June 6, the developer will also be putting 78 parking spaces on the site.

TESCO DEVELOPMENT: Tesco's plan for Orpington will be considered at a Bromley Council development control committee meeting on June 6. The supermarket giant wants to demolish the existing multi-storey car park and healthcare building and build a part-five-part-six storey building on Earls Way.

WATER HELP: Bromley Council's Green Team is offering tips to help save water. These include replacing worn washers and washing vegetables in a bowl rather than under a running tap. Call 020 8313 4989 or e-mail green.team@bromley.gov.uk for more.

FUN AT THE FAIR: St Francis Church, Willett Way, Petts Wood, is holding its summer fair on June 10 from 10.30am to 1pm. All proceeds will go towards the church. Call 01689 817352 for details.

HELP OUT: Bromley's branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society is searching for volunteers to help at its Northlands Day Centre, Freelands Grove, Bromley. Call 020 8464 3723.