Acting can be rewarding, despite the lack of security. KERRY ANN EUSTICE speaks to an actor whose love for roles takes her all over the UK.


I completed a certificate in theatre arts at Rose Bruford College in Sidcup. It was a two-year, part-time course and taught skills such as getting into character and improvisation.

I'm also a member of The Actors Centre in London, which runs short courses. I've recently studied the Meisner technique a different approach to method acting, teaching people to focus on and react to the other actors.

Place of work:

I've worked all over the UK, mostly in film and TV and some stage productions. I'm currently playing the lead and co-producing a short film based in south-east London called Lovely May.

Earning potential:

The actor's union Equity, of which I am a member, carried out a survey and found less than 10 per cent of its members earn a living from acting. I left Rose Bruford in 2004 and have had some paid roles but have mostly worked for free to gain experience.

What hours do you work?

If filming you could be on-site for 12 hours a day. The crew wants the production finished in as soon as possible.

What is your typical day like?

I spend a few hours a day on the internet keeping an eye out for roles and rehearsing lines. If I am filming, I arrive at the location early to have my make-up done. This is checked regularly throughout filming. Continuity checks are made to ensure our hair always looks the same and no jewellery, for example, is out of place. There can be a lot of waiting around for your scene or for cameras and lighting to be changed and prepared.

If I have dialogue I repeat the scene many times so it can be filmed close up, for long shots and from different angles.

Why did you decide to become an actor?

Around 25 years ago I worked in opera but felt I'd done all I could. So I did a degree, a masters and a PHD and eventually went into teaching for the Open University. I did a few workshops with Shakespeare's Summer School and realised I needed a practical outlet. I saw an advert for the Rose Bruford course and took it from there.

Where do you want to go from here?

I hope to carry on and get more prominent roles and earn a living from acting. I've got a small part coming up in the next Harry Potter film too.