I read the article about Catford Business and Enterprise College (formerly Catford Girls' School) and how one of the points of praise by Ofsted was "the standards of behaviour in school". Obviously they were there on a very good day.

I live opposite Catford BEC and my family has been here for decades. We regularly have to put up with the rubbish in our garden and abusive behaviour from the kids. You don't need a watch to tell it's 3.30pm, you can hear the profanity being yelled across the roads.

The shops at the bottom of the hill are surrounded by swarms of them asking for cigarettes, which if you decline to purchase you get yet more abuse.

Ofsted obviously failed to notice the regular police presence on the corner of the entrance to Bellingham Road at the end of school.

Yes, praise the doubling of 5 A*-C results (if they're not obtained by GNVQs worth four GCSEs), but the behaviour of the pupils of this school is not a benefit.

I dread to think what happens when it becomes a mixed school.

By Andrew Slater, Catford

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