HADLOW College has launched a campaign to help stressed commuters get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and study to get a job in the great outdoors.

According to the college, the average Briton will spend 110,000 hours of their life in the workplace and 20,000 trying to get there and back.

The Grass is Greener campaign aims to offer those fed up with the London commute the chance to retrain in careers such as floristry and garden design.

Samantha Nye is studying for A National Award in Floristry at Hadlow.

She said: "After exhausting my career path as a secretary for an investment bank in London, I was desperate to get out of the city. I met a representative on the Hadlow College stand at the Chelsea Flower Show and was inspired to make the change."

Paul Hannan, principal at Hadlow College, said: "We believe people should be spending their working life doing something they enjoy. This campaign can signify a new start, doing something they never thought possible, but always wanted to achieve."