WORKERS will have the freedom to renew their travel passes thanks to late opening hours.

The main reception at the Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, will be open from 9am until 7pm on March 23 to give over-60s who work the chance to renew their freedom passes.

Everyone who is either renewing their pass or applying for the first time must fill in an application form and provide proof of their name, age and address, and bring their current freedom pass and photo card if they have one.

Principal service manager for older people Joy Smith said: "We want to make it as easy as possible for people to renew their freedom pass.

"Providing an evening session for those who are at work during the day will help."

Call 020 8461 7077 or visit the council's website for information about the freedom pass scheme and details about other venues, dates and times for renewal.