Following a recent trip abroad I believe I've discovered a custom made activity to satisfy all ages and incomes, and I happily refer to the hilarious, exhilarating ball game known as crazy golf.

The accepted format is hitting a ball through a decorative aperture, which could easily be an open mouthed artificial dinosaur or similar construction. We need a purpose built state-of-the-art crazy golf course, perhaps based on an historical theme to which Kingston with its legendary episodes covering the centuries could so easily accommodate.

I envisage scale models of local interest suitably placed and expertly camouflaged, set in strategic fashion so that players are happily frustrated in their attempts to complete the course.

Picture if you will a model wobbly Clattern Bridge, a Queen Anne statue that lights up when the ball hits the crown, and what fun trying to negotiate a circulatory route around replica tumbling telephones boxes!

Model open mouthed Canada geese seem highly appropriate as would leaping salmon (as in London Road), Kingston bridge, the dolphins (in Surbiton) with perhaps the coronations stone completing the circuit. There is a great to deal to choose from.

An alternative theme might well be geared to the Pokemon phenomena.

Think of the excitement that could be had (a first in Kingston) with a unique course purpose built to house those simple, cute, eccentric monsters.

Visualise if you will balls whizzing around Pikachu, Charmander, Dragenait and the might Mewtwo construction in pliable rubber, defying players to hit a ball over his great height or between his massive kangaroo like legs.

Where to build the course? How about Fairfield or Canbury Gardens! (Richmond Park).

Crazy golf is a simple form of family orientated pleasure, and we should not underestimate the enormous satisfaction gained from participating in fun sports (no special shoes required).


Portsmouth Road
