I have recently received the council's consultation leaflet about proposed controlled parking zones and am horrified at the extent of the proposed zones and charges.

Although I understand consultants have recommended implementation of the policy, I have to ask on what evidence do they base their recommendations.

I live not far from Ewell West Station and cannot recall ever having seen a commuter's car in this road, nor have my neighbours.

I cannot remember ever having asked the council to impose parking zones and I cannot recall the council ever soliciting my views, which is strange as it's supposed to be a residents' council.

It strikes me as yet another example of the arrogance increasingly evident in all levels of politics.

I believe the Comet should be pressing for answers to the following questions.

n What mandate does the council have to impose controlled parking zones?

n What evidence does it have that the zones are necessary or wanted in the declared areas?

n What alternative solutions have been investigated, such as possible ways to charge the commuter and not the resident?

n Double lines are not enforced. What evidence is there that controlled parking zones will be?

Further, the council should justify the proposed charges. There are many other issues that need investigating and which raise more wide ranging concerns regarding the council's attitude to the electorate.

On this particular issue we need a media champion, let it be the Comet. All politicians rely on our apathy and usually I am as apathetic and sceptic as the next man, but enough is enough. We need to unite to bring these arrogant people to their senses.


The Rise

Ewell Village