Emma Couts-Wood's piece on the lawless youth of North Kent contains no mention of the most important element in the matter - parents.

If a thirteen year old is roaming the streets - at any time let alone at night (when most mischief is committed) then the parents must be brought to account, it is they and only they who are responsible for the behaviour of minors.

If the police pick up a minor abroad - alone or with other minors after a certain hour, then the parents should be brought into the picture. That usually means getting father/mother away from the telly and the fug of the front room, out into the cold to go the police station to collect the errant child.

Indeed, if the various agencies could get together, and set up a facility, in a remote spot (say a barn on set aside farm) equipped decently with facilities TV, games, refreshments etc., man it with responsible adults (retired Policemen) or par-ents of the wayward as part of a scheme to bring parents into the frame - then when said youngsters are detained, they are taken to the spot and entertained and in due time the parent is contacted to collect the offender.

This means dad/mum has to go out in the cold get in the car, drive to a remote spot, to collect him/her. If dad is too drunk at home then he will have to call (and pay for) a taxi to convey him.

Either way it will be (and is intended to be) inconvenient for the parent - I suggest that a few trips like this will jerk them into taking some interest into their children's well-being.

John Ash (father of two)

Email address supplied

December 5, 2001 14:23