I write to the letter which appeared in your edition of November 28 concerning dog mess.

Please do not tar all dog owners with the same brush! I own dogs and clear up after them. The council dog waste bins are often full, so there are responsible dog owners around, but sadly not everyone does the same as me. The letter published in your paper was very extreme, but I know that when I was a child no-one cleared up after their dogs, so things have improved. I feel that I must therefore defend myself and other like me who are being targeted by what seems to be a member of the growing 'anti-dog' brigade.

Bromley Council made an announcement some years ago, that they would prosecute dog owners for not clearing up mess, but I have only seen one case in the papers, and it seems that their intentions, like so many others, have fallen by the wayside. Why don't they provide dog waste bins on footpaths as well as open spaces? I know from experience that it is not very nice having to carry plastic bags containing dog mess for some distance before being able to dispose of them properly. (and on the subject of disposal of waste, I have seen and once trodden on, soiled nappies left underneath cars in car parks so it seems other people have equally nasty habits).

I agree that dog mess is unpleasant (even dog owners get 'caught out' and walk in it) but it does break down fairly quickly. I wish the same could be said for the unsightly and permanent graffiti which is so obvious now. If you think about it, dogs are actually doing less damage to the environment than these persons who insist on leaving their 'mark' everywhere. If you are one of these graffiti "artists!", think twice before you do this and deface fences and walls etc., in such a mindless manner. Not everyone wants to look at it, cleaning it off is expensive and time consuming, and I for one am sick and tired of seeing it everywhere I go.

Name and address supplied

December 5, 2001 14:16