I am writing to you regarding the planned cuts for BYMT. I am a former member of the Bromley Youth Chamber Orchestra and I have also worked for the Trust. I am absolutely appalled by the proposals. Music in our schools has already been reduced to near-nonexistent levels through cut-backs year after year. The BYMT despite this has managed to maintain probably the most successful level of youth music teaching anywhere in the country. (proven by our haul of trophies and awards over the years since its foundation). Bromley Council should be putting more money into the BYMT not less.

Why is it that in this country if anyone or anything is any good we have to destroy it? (NHS, Railways and now music) It is an alarming trend that must be reversed.

I am 28 now, but started playing music with BYMT before it even became BYMT - around 1980. My parents (contrary to what people may think) we not rich - but they realised the enormous benefits that music has for any child, and were very keen to encourage me. I went through all the orchestras and eventually joined the flagship Chamber Orchestra in 1989. The tours I went on, places I performed and people I met was an enormously enriching experience - and something I'll never forget. It also totally transformed my playing and general musicianship.

I can't believe that after I went to Austria with the Chamber Orchestra and helped us win the 1st prize in the 1992 Vienna International Youth Music Festival that the Council is now even considering cutting the grant. We brought the prize back from Austria for Bromley and this is how we are repaid? Don't the idiots who are proposing this realise the prestige the orchestra brings to the borough and how envious other boroughs and counties are of our fantastic music teaching? If they want to save a bit of money - how about reducing their own over-inflated wages.

I totally support you in your campaign to stop these devastating cuts.

Colin Parker

Worlds End Lane


December 5, 2001 02:06