Howard Marks is a charming, intelligent man.

Some consider him a revolutionary, an opportunist, a genius or just a stoner who gets intoxi-cated in front of an audience.

He was once a major league marijuana smuggler, creating new markets for the drug and found new ways to move tons of it around the world.

That phase of his career ended on being sentenced to 25 years in a US jail.

Getting out after serving less than a third of his time he is now a counter-culture folk hero, having done more to publicise the campaign to legalise cannabis than almost anyone else.

His main characteristic the reason for his Mr Nice' sobriquet - is he is likeable. His undeniable charm, wit and soft Welsh accent make him an engaging raconteur, so I found him simply reading passages from his books a bit unimaginative.

Admittedly, he has a new tome of stories to push but it meant there was less originality in his act than I might have hoped for in the light of the Government's recent move to reclassify cannabis.

I left no wiser as to what effect he thought that might have on society and the future of drug laws.

However there was an enter-taining look at the historical reasons for hashish being made illegal in the first place.

At times it was truly funny but for the most part an evening with Howard Marks offered amusing stories that raised a smile while glossing over the seedy aspects of the world of drugs, even when talking about dealing with terrorists or doing prison time.

Inspired by his Robin Hood status Marks has spent a fair bit of his time promoting for himself since his release, a tiny few of his packed audience of 20-30 year olds bravely ignored the no-smoking policy of the Ashcroft theatre and the wrath of the elderly ushers.

Surely they don't think there is some cachet attached to smoking in the presence of such a famous toker?

But judging by the hoots and cheers Marks got for downing a pint of beer in one they probably did.

December 5, 2001 17:30