BABIES were born at the double when two sisters gave birth in the same hospital at virtually the same time.

Baby Patrick was born to Claire Stewart, of Beechwood Park, South Woodford, at 2.45am on Tuesday, November 27, at King George Hospital, Ilford. One minute later, her sister Jane Durnall also gave birth, to a girl called Lia.

The sisters were totally unaware they were in neighbouring hospital rooms and only realised their perfect timing when they both heard their mother talking in the corridor.

Miss Stewart, 28, was due to have her son Patrick five days after her sister Jane, 31. But little Lia was late and the sisters both went into their two-and-half-hour labours at midnight on Monday, November 26.

Delighted Miss Stewart said: "I was in hospital because I had high blood pressure than I started going into labour and by the time I'd asked for some pain killers it was all over. My partner missed it all by five minutes."

Two doors down Claire's sister, Jane, was giving birth to Lia.

Mrs Durnall said: "I knew my sister was in hospital because of high blood pressure and after I'd given birth to Lia I heard my mum in the corridor.

"My husband said it wasn't her but it was and a midwife came in and said she'd just delivered my sister's baby. It was a bit of a miracle. Lia and Patrick are closer than twins, beacuse even twins wouldn't be born a minute apart."

The pair, who both work in banking, are already sharing the responsibility of bringing up their two children. Miss Stewart said: "When the hospital found out we were sisters they gave us beds next to each other. We could look after each other's baby while we took showers and made phone calls."

By.Sara Dixon