COUNCILLOR Powell's rather shabby letter (Guardian, June 20) attempts to paint an entirely misleading picture of how the area committee boundaries were originally established.

Far from being done because of party politics, the original decision in 2000 was made after extensive public consultation and research.

Our strongest finding was that Woodford was the part of the borough to which residents felt the greatest attachment. That the area should comprise the four wards of Monkhams, Bridge, Roding and Church End was so obvious to everyone involved that the boundaries were established quickly and with complete unanimity.

People I have spoken to are shocked by the depth of cynicism and contempt for local residents displayed by the decision to transfer Roding to the Wanstead area with no consultation whatsoever. '"You asked us last time, why has no-one asked us this time?", is a common view.

The fact that a few roads in E11 were transferred out of Roding by the last boundary change actually means my ward now has an even greater Woodford focus than previously. Indeed every single resident now has 'Woodford' in their postal address.

The absurdity is that issues concerning the future of George Lane, relations with the South Woodford Business Partnership and the South Woodford parking scheme, will now need to be discussed by two separate committees but can be decided by neither of them.

CLLR IAN BOND, deputy leader of the Lib Dem Group, South Woodford.

July 10, 2002 15:30