MORE or less opposite the site of the former Leavesden sanitarium, it is no wonder there are some odd types drinking here.

You will find middle-aged men with pony tales; "interesting" types on bar stools debating the medical benefits of drinking through a straw when suffering from a hangover (should it be Strongbow, should it be Tennents Super?); a couple of bottle blonde housewives drinking pints when they "really should get home to put the tea on"; a manic depressive in one corner nursing his flat half of lager; five men getting over excited while playing dice in the other.

No wonder barmaid Emma had the sulks. There was no please and no thank you and certainly no smile on her face. Many of the bar hangers were trying, unsuccessfully, to make her smile perhaps that was why she was so damn miserable.

The Swan has a very long bar and the pub has an extension at one end to accommodate Flames restaurant one assumes the grub is good, but all I saw on my visit was a rather grey looking burger smothered in ketchup and salad cream.

Behind the bar you will spot one of those embarrassing mirrors. You know the type, whichever way you look , you seem to catch your own eye, or the eye of that hard looking bloke behind you.

Premium lager is £2.50 a pint a bit expensive you may think but I would have paid double to see Emma smile.


July 11, 2002 17:30