The Cookham-based Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) has refreshed its website by offering a career clinic for those looking for employment.

The ConnectedInMarketing website hopes to breathe new life into careers by offering a range of services.

The features include a career health check tool, advice from an online career doctor, information about training and links to the best job searches. It currently has a special item on redundancy.

Philippa Bassett, CIM's career doctor, said: "Redundancy can be a difficult situation for most people to deal with, particularly if it has come out of the blue.

"Ensure you receive all the support you are entitled to from your employers. This may include the resources of an outplacement consultancy as part of your redundancy package, references and cover for any benefits throughout the duration of your redundancy period."

To complement the Career Clinic, the sister website hosts an online psychometric testing system specifically for the web.

These web-based PeopleMaps help guide marketers through personality profiling and attitude assessments.

CIM's International Chairman Mike Johnston said: "The web has revolutionised the way we develop our careers from researching prospective employers to applying for jobs online."

Log on to the career clinic at

July 11, 2002 14:30