THOUSANDS of people are expected to turn out for the 50th anniversary of Hayes Carnival.

The event, on Saturday at Barra Hall Park, coincides with the celebration of the Queen's Golden Jubilee and to commemorate this it will finish with a fireworks display set to music and a laser show be projected on to Barra Hall, showing scenes from the last 50 years.

The fun starts at noon in the park with a giant funfair and charity and trade stalls, as well as a gymnastics show, a vintage car display and a chariots and gladiators 'duel'.

The 50th carnival will see a fantastic procession of floats, starting from Pump Lane at 12.30pm.

Among the parade will be floats from the Hayes Cottage Nursing Society, the Barra Hall Regeneration Committee, Hillingdon Leukaemia Research Society, the Boys' and Girls' Brigade and the Sikh Welfare Society.

The floats will pass along Botwell Lane, Compton Road, Church Road, Uxbridge Road and Grange Road, before finishing up at Wood End Green Road.

David Bryant, parks manager at Hillingdon Council, who is organising the event, said: "This year's carnival promises to be a very special day for Hayes. We hope that many people will support the event during its golden anniversary and come along to join in the fun."

There will be live music throughout the day, as well as a Colourscape walk-in sculpture. Colourscape is one of the world's largest walk-in inflatables, where visitors put on coloured cloaks and enter all the interlinked chambers of different corridors of colour.

And three tribute shows, dedicated to Kylie, Robbie Williams and Elvis Presley, will have people of all ages up and dancing, as well as singing along.

July 11, 2002 09:30