SINGERS NEEDED: Surrey Harmony Women's Barbershop Chorus need new singers. Wednesday 7.45-10.30pm. Coulsdon Methodist Church Hall. 8688 4494.

SUPER TEA DANCES: United Reformed Church Hall, Sanderstead Hill. Every Thursday, 2-4pm. 2.80 incl. tea & biscuits. 8461 2355.

ALAMO COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB: United Reform Church, Purley. Don't stay at home, come and learn to line dance. Wednesday 7.30-10pm. 3 inc. refreshments.

SEQUENCE DANCING: at The Starlight Club: Unitarian Church Hall, 1 The Flyover. Leaders: Grace & Joe Tredgold. Thursday Evenings 8-10.30pm. New members welcome.

THE STUDIO: Beckenham Road, Beckenham. Learn the Arabic art form of belly dancing. Weekly lessons by British belly-dancer Jaqueline Chapman. Classes every Wednesday, 5.45pm to 6.45pm and 7pm to 8pm, admission 5. 020 8777 6662.

LINE DANCING: United Reform Church Hall, Sanderstead Hill. For all ages and abilities, Thursdays, two classes, Beginners to Intermediates. 6.30-10pm. 8461 2355.

THE CROYDON SOCIETY: Small Hall, United Reformed Church, Addiscombe Grove. 8655 3158.

SANDERSTEAD W.I. meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 2pm at the URC Church (next to Sanderstead Library on 403 bus route). Invite ladies to join in the many activities and to make new friends. 8657 4508.

MEDITATION: Workshop 2, Croydon Clocktower, Katherine Street. Sahaja Yoga. Every Tuesday. Free of charge. 7.30pm-9pm. All welcome.

July 13, 2002 21:00