RESIDENTS in the Leavesden ward are petitioning the district and county councils for parking controls.

Three Rivers District Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst presented a petition signed by 150 residents of Bucknalls Lane to a meeting of the district council last month.

More than 200 residents have now signed the petition demanding part-time waiting restrictions to solve the traffic jams caused by parents waiting to pick their children up from nearby schools, including St Michael's and Parmiter's secondary schools.

Receiving the petition, executive member for the physical environment Martin Trevett said the council would investigate the matter.

Councillor Giles-Medhurst said he was petitioning both the district council and Hertfordshire County Council in an effort to get the matter resolved. He wants waiting restrictions imposed for at least 200 metres of Bucknalls Lane.

Although Three Rivers is highways agency for the county council, the problem is also a safety issue and the county council would have a say.

Councillor Giles-Medhurst said: "At the moment, there are tremendous problems being caused by parents, principally from St Michael's School across the dual carriageway. It is very inconvenient for the local residents."

April 28, 2003 17:30