I would like to commend your newspaper for covering the local initiative to raise awareness of the importance of high blood pressure by offering free blood pressure checks.

High blood pressure is serious the thousands of people each year who suffer a stroke or heart attack as a result of high blood pressure will testify to that, but the good news is that it can be treated and sometimes prevented.

At the Blood Pressure Association we are dedicated to improving the lives of people with high blood pressure and helping those who have a healthy blood pressure keep it that way.

I'm sure your readers would be interested to know that taking steps to lower blood pressure now could prevent high blood pressure in the future. The BPA provides free information to the public on simple changes everyone can make to help lower the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

The first step is to find out your blood pressure. Through the BPA's ongoing Know Your Numbers campaign we are determined that everyone will know their blood pressure numbers just as they know their height and weight.

And if your readers missed the opportunity to get their blood pressure checked they have a second chance during our third annual blood pressure testing week, which runs from September 15 to 21.

This annual event has already seen more than 140,000 people tested many of them for the first time. High blood pressure is important and ignoring it could be fatal. The message is simple Know your numbers!' it could save your life. Readers who would like more information about high blood pressure or our national blood pressure testing week can contact the BPA at the address below or see our website: http://www.bpassoc.org.uk


Chairman, Blood Pressure Association

60 Cranmer Terrace


April 30, 2003 11:30