While I may find some comfort in Councillor Clyne's sympathy (Letters, March 20) and I am very grateful for Councillor Fewtrell's support too, it does not seem to have made much difference to my "predicament".

I am in full time employment within Lambeth and I am a single parent father of three children in Lambeth. I pay my rent and council tax.

However as we all have to share the same bedroom it means the children cannot get to sleep at night at a reasonable time, they are tired at school and they are often irritable when they get home as they have no "space".

Apparently the only remaining "action" available to me now is to seek a judicial review in the High Court, which is totally unrealistic as it would make my family bankrupt and could probably achieve little or nothing.

All we ask is to be nominated to a housing association and not have to rely on the legislation Lambeth is using, which is about 11 years out of date.

But I still hope the council can come up with something reasonable even if it is the three-bedroomed flat opposite my back garden, which has been sitting empty for a few months, in Lydhurst Avenue.


Hailsham Avenue

Streatham Hill

April 30, 2003 11:00