Sir,-I have the utmost sympathy with your reader Paul Wenham who feels that Whitton, in postal code terms, has lost its identity and is simply regarded as being part of Twickenham.

However, as a resident of Whitton Waye which branches off Nelson Road at a point almost half a mile from the Richmond Upon Thames border with Hounslow borough, I would be more than pleased to have a TW2 postal code which would identify Whitton Waye as being in Twickenham (which according to the Land Registry Office it is) instead of the TW3 code which indicates that Whitton Waye is in Hounslow.

As this slight change in postal code is an immediate signal for insurance companies to hike up the premiums on any policies they issue, I wonder if the dimwits that clearly got the Whitton Waye postal code wrong all those years ago would be prepared to refund to me and all of the other Whitton Waye residents the many thousands of pounds that their mistake has cost us in inflated insurance premiums over the past umpteen years.-Mr G Shaw, Whitton Waye, Whitton.

April 30, 2003 15:30