On January 12, the meeting started with a short talk from David Heywood on the medical alert package available from the Association of North Kent Neighbourhood Watches (tel number 01474 565127).

It is for at risk' patients who have a medical condition and any medication needed for this. a label is attached to the outside of the canister which should be placed in your fridge. Place another label in the outside of the fridge door and the third one onto the inside of your front door. If at any time the emergency services are called they can then see at a glance that you are on medication.

The evening continued with a talk from Colin Breed a retired police officer who gave an excellent illustrated talk on Royal Visits to Kent. During his career, Mr Breed was closely involved in organising events from the inauguration of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the opening of the Channel Tunnel.

It was a fascinating and humorous look at the smooth running of such events but with a touch of the occasional hiccup.

On Wednesday, January 14 members of Southfleet and Perry Street WI joined the Southara Coffee Morning held at Sheila Freemans to raise donations for the Tsunami Disaster Appeal.

Future events planned are a performance of Emma' by the Channel Players to be held at the Southfleet Village hall on February 18, a visit to the Kent-West Kent WI council meeting in Royal Tunbridge Wells on March 16 and an outing to the Orchard Theatre on April 21 to see "Sweet Charity".

Darts and whist continue as usual but short-mat bowls has been cancelled due to lack of support.

If you would like to join Southfleet WI, why not come along as a visitor to our next meeting to see if you like us. You will get a warm welcome. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm Southfleet Village hall, Dale Road, Southfleet.

Further information may be obtained from our president, Mrs Val Memory on 01474 832533.