It is very rare these days that I write two blogs in one day but the News Shopper article - ELTHAM: Father kills dog after two-year-old girl savaged 3:12pm Tuesday 23rd March 2010 - highlighting the story of the little girl who was mauled by a French Bullmastiff before her father stepped in and stabbed the wretched creature to death, has driven me to write my own views on these dogs from hell.

Every day I see yobbos parading down the street with nasty, studded-collared fighting dogs straining at the leash while their owners spit and terrorise their way past frightened pedestrians who feel so intimidated that they have to move out of the way.

Firstly, why would anyone want to own a dog of this breed and nature?

Secondly, how can parents who consider themselves responsible, allow their offspring to walk these creatures knowing full well that they are going to use them as terror weapons?

Thirdly, who in their right mind would want a hulking great Bullmastiff in their home and for what purpose, if not to use it as a potential weapon?

Lastly, isn't it about time the government had another look at the ownership of these hounds and did something to stop scumbags from not only acquiring killer dogs, but also from displaying them in public and terrorising people of all ages?

Dogs have been man's companion for thousands of years but we tend to forget that certain dogs were bred for specific reasons. Pitbulls and the like were created to hunt and kill, not to keep guard in the suburban homes of people who think it is acceptable to keep such unsuitable animals as pets.

All dogs have the ability to turn nasty and bite, we all know that. Of course, the majority of dogs are good natured, bring a lot of joy into people's lives and help children understand and appreciate animals. Bullmastiffs have no place in this scenario.

New laws should be passed prohibiting the breeding of these creatures and anyone found in possession of one should be prosecuted and sent to prison.

I would be grateful if anyone could actually give me one good reason why someone should want to own a French Bullmastiff, or indeed any dog that wouldn't look out of place in a dog-fighting ring.

I challenge you to present a legitimate argument as to why these breeds should not be eradicated from the face of the planet and their owners brought to task and questioned why they believe their lives would not be complete without these unpredictable, potential killers.
