YOUNG writers and actors are showing how people get drawn into crime with their Christmas production.

Swagga telld the story of two men arrested with firearms, drawing on youngsters’ experiences of gang crime and street violence.

The production, funded by the Arts council and produced by Deptford-based arts charity Second Wave, was part of the Swagga Partnership Project, aimed at raising awareness of the risks faced by young people.

Performed at the charity’s Creek Road studio this weekend, it is based on discussions between young people and the police.

The charity hopes to develop the project further in the coming year, including an international exchange project with similar youth organisations based in Amsterdam.

Associate director of Second Wave Talmud Beh said: “Our writing process enables young people to explore their stories and anxieties, support each other and even find positive solutions.”

It takes place on December 11 and December 12 at 7.30pm. Saturday matinee at 2.30pm.

It will be performed at The Studio, Second Wave, 1 Creek Road, London SE8 3BT. All tickets £5.