As my parents continued to moan about the amount of clothes that my wardrobe is bursting with, I was delighted to read of my hours of shopping adding to a good cause, resulting in an improved economy, learning that London Fashion week rakes in an astonishing £3.8 billion of goods a year! This cleared my confusion as to why Mandleson was seated front row eagerly awaiting another of Christopher Bailey’s magical collections, at last week’s London Fashion week.

The 25th anniversary will be remembered for the return of some of London’s biggest and most influential designers, such as Matthew Williamson, Pringle of Scotland, and of course, who could forget Emma Watson’s gleaming smile sitting on the front row of none other than the mighty Burberry. Opened with a humorous speech by Boris Johnson, the week proved once again that the sense of independent style that all Brits seem to express so well, still reigns the fashion world.

Up and coming designers such as Joanna Sykes and Dominic Jones, did not fail to demonstrate the fresh and original attitude that London fashion so effortlessly leaks into the fashion world, as their collections graced the catwalks. London Fashion week for me represents a visual and energetic art gallery coming to life, bringing influential designers from all around to celebrate the liveliness of London.

No longer needing to feel guilty about the rows and rows of gorgeous, exquisite clothes that line my wardrobes, i can now feel satisfied knowing that if Boris and Peter can sit back and enjoy fashion then so can I. Feeling content and happy with the spring/summer ’10 collections, naturally I rushed out and purchased a black sequined mini dress, (with razor sharp shoulder pads, obviously) after all it is for the greater good of our economy! And oh so Balmain!