A DISPERSAL zone created in Welling has already made its mark in the area to help control anti-social behaviour.

The zone, currently the only one operating in Bexley, covers the Ridley Road area of the town where large numbers of youths were gathering and attracting crowds of others from outside the borough, intent on causing trouble.

The order, put in place after consultations with residents and businesses, gives police the power to disperse groups of people, require people to leave the area and to take home youngsters aged under 16 who are found in the zone between 9pm and 6am.

So far police have dispersed 48 young people and made eight arrests, including one of the ringleaders of the trouble and one has received a reprimand.

Councillors at last week’s Bexley Council meeting were told in the two weeks since the zone was imposed, calls from the public about anti-social behaviour have dropped 25 per cent.

Feedback from the public has been very positive.

The zone will remain in place for six months.

Labour Group leader, Councillor Chris Ball asked if the police and council could look again at imposing a dispersal zone in the West Street area of Erith.

He also asked them to consider rolling out more alcohol free zones in the borough.

The police say they will be vigorously enforcing the zone and failure to obey a PC or a PCSO when asked to leave, could lead to a fine or even imprisonment.

When the zone was launched Superintendent Glyn Jones from Bexleyheath police said : “Police powers will only be used when necessary.

“This use of dispersal powers will enable police to tackle anti-social and nuisance behaviour as part of an overall plan, which includes improved youth provision and quality of life for local people.”

Police also want to hear the views of young people who live in the Ridley Road area and who would be interested in joining the neighbourhood panel which sets local policing policies.

For more information on dispersal zones, call neighbourhood services on 08003 895013.