TWO uniformed groups from Bexleyheath have been learning more about how the police do their business.

Brownies from the Bexleyheath West Guides Group and the Bexleyheath Scouts' Explorer Unit were invited to Bexleyheath police station by their safer neighbourhoods policing teams in Brampton and Barnehurst.

The young people toured the custody suite, which contains the police cells, and the control room and were shown how suspects’ fingerprints are taken.

This was followed by a question-and-answer session and a discussion on matters such as police power.

Both teams said the visits were an opportunity for young people to see what goes on inside a large police station and what police officers are doing on a daily basis.

PCSO Cathy Nolan from the Barnehurst team said: ”It was also an opportunity for the Scouts to express their views on policing issues in the area.”

PCSO Claire Dunmall from the Brampton team added: “This is all part of safer neighbourhoods policing, breaking down barriers and building links with the community, especially young people.”