Halloween has many different origins and interpretations of what the holiday means, from the recognition of saints to the celebration of the dead.

However, no matter how different the interpretations may be, children’s views remain the same: “A free opportunity to savour sweets!”

Receiving sweets is an obvious advantage to celebrating Halloween as well as the fact that children are able to socialise with their neighbors, and dress up in different costumes with their friends.

Indeed, children in most neighborhoods in and around Blackheath have been knocking on doors, trick or treating.

Teenagers also attended parties, and dressed up in costumes relating to Halloween; dancing and socialising in homes all over Blackheath village. All of these reflect the positive effects of Halloween this year. But were there any negative effects?

Neighbours who did not choose to celebrate the holiday faced the dreadful consequence of being ‘egged’.

However, our local police officers put measures in place to avoid these violent attacks happening and notifications placed around the borough, which meant that children under the age 16 were not sold flour and eggs this year.

Thankfully, ‘egg’ attacks were few across Blackheath and this Halloween turned out to be a great success; with the only crime being carried out is having too much fun!

By Dimitri Dolor, age 15, Blackheath Bluecoat CE School