CRYSTAL Palace Transmitting Station and Park will feature on a pin badge to mark the 2012 Olympic Games.

The London 2012 Organising Committee is to produce 33 different pin badges, each bearing a landmark from one of London’s 32 boroughs and the City.

The winning design chosen to represent Bromley is the Crystal Palace Transmitting Station and Park.

In 1851 the park hosted an exhibition showcasing more than one million feet of glass contained within the palace.

However, in 1936 the place was destroyed by a fire.

The transmitting station is the site of the BBC’s main broadcast tower in London, built in the 1950s and the athletics stadium with the grounds hosts international track and field competition.

Sebastian Coe, Chair of the London 2012 Organising Committee, said: “The landmarks chosen by the public for the pin set showcase what Londoners want the world to remember about their borough.”

Designs will be unveiled early next year by London 2012 and London Councils.

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