You think you are the only one whose hair doesn’t behave? Think again! Many people go into the hairdressing salon with the same questions and complaints. Jed Hamill of Graham Webb International gets to grips with a few of the most FAQs.

My hair is flat. Well, this can be down to the products you are using. If you use too much conditioner for example, or the wrong type of conditioner, your hair will lose its vibrancy.

If it’s not a product issue, then get yourself a new cut - texture added to the hair in the way of layers or even by adding colour will give the illusion of depth and fullness to the hair.

My hair is dull. This is down to wear and tear, poor condition or just simply naturally dull hair.

Try a semi-permanent colour, slightly lighter you’re your own natural tones - lots of modern products like Brilliance by Clynol contain shine boosting ingredients which will lift dull locks to another level. If you don’t want colour, then treat yourself to a once-a-week masque.

My hair won’t grow. You are possibly being a little impatient if you think your hair won’t grow. It can be all in the mind. It feels ages to grow out a cut you don’t like, while your hair grows like wildfire just when you are liking your look!

The bottom line is, if you want lovely long hair then you need to stick it out! With a good diet and use of good products your hair will grow.

Get a really good cut so your hair is in great shape and will grow beautifully, then get it cut less often.

I get tangled ends. When you brush and comb your hair is crucial here. Always brush your hair when it’s dry (with the best quality brush you can buy) and comb it with a large toothcomb when wet. Don’t forget to brush your hair before you jump in the shower to wash it too.

As a finishing touch, apply a serum through the ends like smooth silky frizz free shine serum (£9.50 150ml), this will definitely help you nuke the knots.

I have dandruff. Or maybe you don’t. Lots of people think they have a flaky scalp when in fact it is just a build-up of styling products. In this case, once a week, use a cleansing shampoo like speciality clear purifying shampoo (£8.45 300ml) from Clynol’s Care range, which will strip the hair and scalp of residue and use your regular shampoo the rest of the time.

Actual flaky scalps can be caused by a number of factors - hormonal, stress or simply using the wrong products on your hair. There are very good shampoos available for soothing itchy scalps and getting rid of flakes, just ask your stylist for a recommendation.

I hate my haircut. I would advise you never go back to the person who cut your hair – it’s uncomfortable and you’ve lost the trust. Never feel bad about complaining or discussing your issues with a senior person - ask to see the manager or owner of the salon but choose a day when the stylist who cut your hair is not in the salon so you don’t feel awkward.

You can hopefully avoid this situation in the first place though, by taking in a picture or some visual guide when you go for a cut so the stylist can get a true picture of what you want – disasters are often down to a lack of communication.