AN ANIMAL charity is urging residents to dress up as Santa and take part in a Christmas fun run.

The 5km Santa Run, organised by PDSA pet hospital, will take place on December 6 and is open to anyone aged over eight years of age.

The race will start in Greenwich Park, the same starting point as the London marathon, and each runner will be given a Father Christmas outfit to wear.

Charity fundraiser Elizabeth Thain said: "This is a great incentive to keep fit at Christmas time.

"Even if you’ve over indulged on the Christmas cake you can easily walk or jog the distance."

Each runner has been asked to raise a minimum sponsorship of £150, and pay an application fee of £20.

Money raised will help the charity, which has a branch in New Cross, provide free vet treatment to injured and sick animals.

To sign up call Elizabeth Thain on 0800 917 2509 or email