SCHOOLCHILDREN stepped back in time when a Pearly King popped in to teach them about the history of London.

More than 30 pupils from Holy Cross School, in Culverley Road, Catford, listened to George Major - the Pearly King of Peckham, talk about the great fire of London, the black death and cockney rhyming slang.

The king had been drafted in to help the Year 2 pupils with their term-long project about the capital's history.

Year 2 teacher, Mary Riley, said: "The kids absolutely loved him and have not stopped talking about him ever since. They have all sent him thank you letters."

Pearly families are descendants of Londoners from the 1880s.

They covered their jackets in pearls recovered from the bottom of the river Thames after a Japanese ship lost its cargo overboard.

There are only five such families left in the country - each with a king or queen.

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