I have mentioned in a previous blog about my plans to do a sky dive in aid of the charity campaign the News Shopper is supporting to raise £6.5m for a new hospice in Eltham.

Now my jump is less than a month away I thought I would update you on my fundraising progress.

I’ve set myself a target of £1,000 and have so far managed to raise just over £200.

So with the Christmas festivities over I have started the publicity drive; emailing contacts asking them to put posters up, getting a charity tin for the News Shopper office and sending my story to industry publications.

All this has been helping to take the mind off the fact that on February 2 (how many days away is that? Best not think about it) I will be jumping 10,000 ft from an aeroplane.

As part of my preparations I will be avoiding all disaster movies but I am sure as the day draws nearer the nightmares and fitless sleep will start.

People keep saying how brave I am but I think the full implications of the sky dive have not really hit me and had I not had donations in and told lots of people about it I would probably be trying to get out of it by now.

So be in no doubt that this is a big deal for me (don’t forget I am the girl who gets scared on rollercoasters) and please support this great cause by clicking here
I promise to keep you updated!