After years on dial up I decided to go with broadband. I have to say it is a slightly different experience. It is like comparing a pedal bike with a porsche.

When clicking a link with my dial up connection, it would go something like this.

*click.... nothing.
*click.... click click click.
"Hang on a sec" pants the computer "it's coming".

My broadband delivers nearly before i've clicked a link. And it asks me if i want fries with that.

It was an interesting experience. I won't say the company name but I had to wait 4 weeks for them to install my broadband.

There was a knock on the door, and I was greeted my the Mitchal brothers. I thought the bailiffs had arrived to take my tele.

I invited them in. "Where do you want it fitted mate?" He asked while scratching his groin. "Just there please" I said pointing to the wall.

He stared for about 10 seconds at the wall. "I'll get my stuff". He went to his van and brought a lead and attached it to the wall. "You got a plug here?" I pointed again.

"Would you like a cup of t....." He interupted me, "We are all done mate, just load this into your computer".

He gave me a CD and he was gone. 4 weeks wait for a 2 minute job.

AND... AND... there was TWO of them!!!

So I quit my job yesterday and now want to install broadband!