I am, no doubt, about to upset the twitchy PC brigade on January 1st 2008.
But I want to ask a question which seems always to be ignored and it concerns such places and events as are taking place in Pakistan and Kenya.
We are constantly told that we are all of the same species (homo sapien) and share exactly the same characteristics one to another. This deemed to be independent of colour, race, creed etcetera.
So can somebody please explain to me why those people in Kenya and Pakistan who constantly claim to be as 'civilised' as the western world find it totally acceptable to riot and murder at the first sniff of something they don't like?
If you look at Europe and the Western world as a whole, this doesn't happen. Even years of oppression rarely if ever results in mass violence on the levels even vaguely like that seen in Pakistan and Kenya in the last few days.
So will somebody explain to me what the reason for this is?
Why do they do it at the drop of a hat while we westerners retain a far greater degree of civilisation?
Why do the western governments just keep ploughing billions of our tax payers money into supporting these, apparently, ill educated and sub-evolved humans?
These appear to be people to whom murder, rape and destruction is always a justifiable means to any end.
Even if this annoys people, in my view it indicates that these peaople are far behind us in the evolution of a reasonable attitude to their fellow man.