DRUG and alcohol information is now on a new website launched by Kent Initiative on Drugs (KID).

KID spokesman Elaine Beautridge says the £170,000 project aims to promote its work, provide links to other organisations, and give information to parents, young people and professionals on drug and alcohol abuse.

The website www.drugsuk.org is being translated into 11 minority languages and French, Spanish, Italian and German to represent the people of Kent. There is a phone number on the site so people with reading difficulties can get the information.

But the website was not created because alcohol and drugs abuse is increasing in the county, according to County Constabulary's Inspector Trevor Hall.

He said: “The site came about because there was a constant need to update information and keep people informed. Anything which can be done to discourage people from embarking upon this downward path will reduce crime and the number of victims as well as improve the health of many and reduce the burden on the public sector.”

KID is a multi-agency partnership with the county council, the Kent and Medway Drug Action Teams, Kent County Constabulary and other organisations.