A patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich says he was kept waiting for a scan for eight days, four of which in a temporary holding bay due bed shortages - despite vomiting and passing blood.

Jimmy Chrysanthou told the News Shopper he “came out of the hospital feeling worse than before he went in” and “was never given an explanation why he had to wait eight days”.

Despite feeling like the nurses gave their best efforts during his time, Jimmy felt that the hospital's management decisions severely impacted his mental health and overall well-being.

He claims this situation was made far worse because he was left in a temporary space for four days due to a shortage of beds.

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust have responded to Jimmy's complaints and are "sorry that he is unhappy with the treatment he received at our hospital".

Jimmy said: “For a long-term space, it's really not great, is it?

"But I imagine maybe they were thinking, 'oh, we'll get you in for a scan' and then that obviously didn't happen.

“It's just crazy mismanagement.

"It's awful, and I do feel for them in a way because they're obviously under so much pressure and so understaffed.”

Seven weeks ago, the 48-year-old was first admitted to the hospital with gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and vomiting blood.

Despite a week-long stay, Jimmy claims doctors identified only minor bleeding from an ulcer which did not explain the bleeding from behind.

He says he was discharged with the promise that he would have a colonoscopy later but this appointment was cancelled.

On May 7, Jimmy was forced to return to the hospital after experiencing severe symptoms, including vomiting blood that “looked like coffee granules” and chest pain.

Initially, Jimmy claims he was suspected of having a heart attack and was administered treatments typically reserved for cardiac events, including sprays and aspirin through a cannula.

Despite being told he could go home that night, his condition prompted the hospital to admit him for further observation.

Jimmy spent the next eight days in the hospital, four of which he claims were in a “holding bay” in a high-traffic area next to a corridor.

He said that this meant he had no privacy and affected his mental health as he suffers from claustrophobia.

Jimmy explained: “It was essentially a boarding space.

"When you come into A&E, there's a little room with space for four people, and my bed was right next to the door where people come in.

“So you're with four other people, but there's no real bed space. You're literally by the door where visitors come in, so I had no privacy.

“I spent four days like that, and it really affected my mental state. I had to ask them why they weren't providing me with a proper bed space.”

During his stay, Jimmy also claims he endured frequent insertions and removals of IV cannulas without receiving any substantial treatment as he awaited a scan that took eight days to be completed.

He claims this left his arms unnecessarily sore and bruised.

He added: “It took eight days for someone who's persistently vomiting red blood and blood coming from my back passage. You'd think they'd take it more seriously.

“Every time I asked the doctors, they'd say, 'we hope to get to you today.'

“When I finally got to the place where they do the camera, I asked them why it took so long.

“They never really gave me an explanation as to why I had to wait eight days.

“I've lost a lot of weight, my arms are black and blue.

"I'm sleeping excessively, like 11-12 hours. I've tested negative for covid or flu, thankfully, but I don't understand why I'm still so ill.

“'I’ve come out of the hospital feeling worse than before I went in.”

Further examination was scheduled for May 30 to investigate more thoroughly, according to Jimmy.

Jimmy highlighted significant issues with the hospital's management, particularly the mismanagement of bed spaces and the close proximity to other patients, including one with the flu.

He said he was given preventive medication for flu after a neighbouring patient tested positive, raising concerns about the hospital's infection control practices.

In his frustration, Jimmy filed a formal complaint with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

He is concerned that his condition was not taken seriously, given the delay in getting him diagnosed and checked over.

A spokesperson for Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust said: “We are sorry that Mr Chrysanthou is unhappy with the treatment he received at our hospital.

"He has raised this with us directly and we have responded to his concerns.

"We are currently waiting for Mr Chrysanthou to confirm when he would be happy to discuss this in person.”