A man in his 60s has been arrested after a stabbing at a medical centre in Sidcup.

The incident happened at Barnard Medical Centre in Granville Road just before 1pm yesterday (May 23).

Police attended and found a medical practitioner, a man in his 50s, with a knife wound to his arm. 

FULL STORY: Granville Road Sidcup medical centre stabbing: Doctor in hospital 

He was taken to a south London hospital where his injury was assessed as not life-threatening. 

He has since been discharged.

A man was arrested nearby to the scene on suspicion of attempted murder. 

He was taken to a south London police station where he remains at this time.

A spokesperson for Metropolitan Police said: “Police were called at 12.48pm on Thursday, 23 May to reports of a stabbing at a medical facility on Granville Road, Sidcup.

“Police attended. At the scene a medical practitioner, a man aged 50s, had suffered knife wound to his arm.

“He was taken to a south London hospital where his injury is not thought to be life threatening.

“A man, aged 60s, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

"He was taken to a south London police station where he remains at this time.

“Officers from Greenwich, within the Met’s South East Command investigate.

In an update on X (formally known as Twitter) Sidcup MPS said: “Earlier today officers attended Barnard Medical Centre in Granville Road to reports of a stabbing.

“A member of staff suffered laceration to their forearm.

"Fortunately the injuries were non life threatening and the victim has since been discharged from hospital.

“Further to this a suspect was quickly arrested nearby following this incident and he currently remains in police custody.

"Investigations are ongoing.”