A thief who pushed over an employee while robbing the Apple store in Bluewater has been jailed. 

Muraad Musse, 24, entered the shop with an associate who distracted a staff member by speaking to them. 

Musse then pushed the employee to the floor and stole a mobile phone worth £1,600. 

The pair fled Bluewater but were caught after they were identified by CCTV. 

The incident took place on November 25 last year and five days later Musse was arrested at his home on Tilson Gardens in Clapham. 

At Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday (May 9) Musse was jailed for one year and nine months after he pleaded guilty to robbery. 

News Shopper: Muraad MusseMuraad Musse (Image: Kent Police)Investigating officer, Detective Constable Alex Burgham, said: “Musse and his partner-in-crime travelled into Kent with the sole purpose of stealing a valuable phone.

"This was accomplished by distracting a shop worker before assaulting them. 

“A prompt investigation led to his identification and Musse was tracked down to an address in London.

"He was already serving a suspended sentence for a similar offence and a period of time in prison was the only possible conclusion."