A 20-year-old man who shot a moped rider after deliberately knocking him from his bike in Brixton has been jailed.

Christian Assi, of Lewisham, was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment at Croydon Crown Court on Monday, February 19, after being found guilty of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

He was handed concurrent jail sentences of five years for GBH and 22 months for possession of a shotgun without a certificate.

At around 7.15pm on May 12, 2022, Assi was the passenger of a Range Rover in Brixton Hill, which followed the moped before deliberately knocking an 18-year-old rider to the floor.

While he lay there, Assi got out of the car and fired a shotgun at him, hitting him in the arm.

The victim was taken to hospital where he was required to undergo surgery for his injury.

Assi then ran from the scene and was seen to still be in possession of the gun by members of the public.

Detectives then launched an investigation and looked at CCTV footage, which showed Assi stopping in a doorway as he ran from the scene and handing the gun to a second man who ran to a nearby block of flats.

CCTV footage showed 53-year-old Edmund Sido, leaving the block a short time later no longer in possession of the firearm.

Sido was arrested and charged and subsequently pleaded guilty on March 13 to possession of a shotgun.

He was sentenced to 33 months’ imprisonment at the same hearing.

Assi was arrested on June 8, 2022, after a search of his property revealed items of clothing he had worn during the shooting.

Detective Constable Chris Bryant, who led the investigation, said: “Assi is a dangerous individual who had no regard for either his victim or the wider public.

"This incident could easily have resulted in tragedy and Assi’s brazenness in then running through a street busy with people and traffic whilst brandishing a shotgun gives just some indication of his recklessness.

"We will not tolerate such wanton violence and continue to relentlessly pursue those intent on carrying and using guns on our streets."