Billy Barrett is a 16 year old British actor already making his mark in the industry. He is widely known for his roles in Apple TV’s Invasion and Disney’s Crater. Not only is he known for his work, he is also the youngest actor to have won an International Emmy for Best Performance by An Actor at the age of 13. When he is not filming his band (the Hunger) are performing. I had the privilege of speaking with him this month to learn more about his incredible success.


What made you want to become an actor?

“I started at about seven and I didn’t really know what I was doing at that age, but my mum has a friend who was a director and asked me if I wanted to be in one of the scenes, no lines just in it and I said, “yeah sure.” I can’t remember much about that shoot, but I remember it was fun. Then my mum said that this could be a thing, took me to an agency and it took off from there. I think it became a part of life and I had no idea what I was doing until recently and I’ve only recently thought about how to learn lines and how to find a character. When you’re young you don’t really think about that stuff”


Can you give a brief synopsis of Invasion and who you play?

“In Invasion, there are currently two seasons on apple tv, and it follows five stories all set in different countries all experiencing the same alien invasion. My part in the series is based in London and then we’re a school group in the beginning and then a lot happens to them, but I won’t say too much so I don’t give it away. In season 2 we sort of understand more about the aliens invading us. That is Invasion wrapped up.”


How did it feel being nominated and winning the Emmy?

“I heard I got nominated and was over the moon and it was great! I invited family over and we sat around the sofa but I had the airpod in so they couldn’t actually hear what was going on only I could. I was looking to the side and didn’t think I was going to win and then I heard ‘Billy Barrett’ and I thought oh my god and then me getting shocked showed them I had won and then we were all shocked but then we had to compose ourselves and read the speech. It was a standard overjoyed, surprise, everything and none of us were anticipating it.”


What advice do you have for young actors?

“I mean I need advice as well. I would say if you are starting out anyone you talk to just be nice, cool and yourself and try and make a friend out of everyone. I mean people in school; I go to college and it’s the same thing just be cool with everyone because you don’t know what they will become and how you could help them or how they could help you. Just keep everyone close and be as friendly as possible is what I would say. And learn your lines.”