Crystal Palace Park is set to get a dinosaur-themed playground, after plans to regenerate the popular greenery have moved to the next stage.

In June 2023, Bromley Council announced the appointment of HTA Design to spearhead a project estimated at £17.5 million aimed at restoring Crystal Palace Park.

This includes the refurbishment of the renowned Grade I listed dinosaur statues, the revitalization of the park's Italian Terraces, and the addition of a new dinosaur-themed playground.

Funding for the project is derived from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, coupled with the proceeds from Bromley Council's sale of residential homes adjacent to the park.

These initiatives are components of a broader £52 million regeneration plan for the park, which also encompasses the restoration of the Grade II listed Crystal Palace Subway.

The phase of the renovation efforts reportedly concluded in November 2023, with the project advancing to an advanced stage since then.

Furthermore, the day-to-day management of the park underwent a transition to the Crystal Palace Park Trust in September of last year.