Seven primary schools in Greenwich borough currently have an ‘outstanding’ rating from Ofsted.

The education watchdog has four grades to describe a school’s performance, ranging from outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate.

Schools are inspected on the quality of education they provide, the behaviour and attitudes of pupils as well as personal development.

The leadership and management of the schools are also held under scrutiny, as well as the education for early years pupils. More information on the schools listed below can be found from the schools’ websites.

Foxfield Primary School

Last inspection: July 2023

Pupils’ experience at Foxfield was described by inspectors as being ‘well beyond ordinary’. The report said: “Pupils are highly respectful of others, and their behaviour is impeccable. They know that behaving well is more than just obeying the rules but also about adhering to important values, such as tolerance and open-mindedness.”

The curriculum for the school was said to be highly ambitious and leaders ensure that pupils are kept safe.

St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

Last inspection: March 2023

Inspectors said that older pupils are good role models at the Woolwich school and volunteer to lead reading activities for the younger pupils.

Children were said to be kind and polite to each other, engaging well in discussion and handling different opinions maturely.

Leaders at the school also reportedly provide multiple opportunities for pupils to enrich their learning outside of lessons, with external visitors such as heart surgeons visiting to discuss different career pathways.

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Primary School

Last inspection: March 2023

The school based in Charlton was praised by inspectors for pupils behaving ‘exceptionally’ well in lessons.

Working relationships between staff and pupils were said to be built on mutual respect, with one pupil describing the school as ‘one big happy family’.

A love of reading is also promoted at the school through daily story time sessions and regular opportunities for children to read for pleasure.

Heronsgate Primary School

Last inspection: December 2022

Heronsgate Primary School pupils reportedly see any mistakes they might make as an opportunity to learn more, and continually try to improve their work.

The inspector added: “Leaders have created a harmonious school community. They ensure that bullying is never tolerated, and potential concerns are tackled without delay. Pupils treat each other and visitors with great kindness and respect. They are taught to respect each other’s differences.”

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

Last inspection: November 2022

The school on Glenure Road in Eltham was praised by parents as being ‘amazing’. Pupils are encouraged by staff to take on responsibilities such as being school councillors or playground leaders.

The report said staff expertly manage pupils’ behaviour, which is ‘exemplary’ throughout the school.

Wingfield Primary School

Last inspection: November 2022

Pupils at Wingfield are said to be proud to belong to the school, with parents and carers being reportedly ‘overwhelmingly’ positive about it.

The inspector said bullying was extremely rare as leaders take swift and robust actions to address it.

Pupils are also taught that discrimination is not tolerated at the school and are very accepting of each other.

Cardwell Primary School

Last inspection: June 2014

The school in Woolwich was praised for its children in nursery and reception classes settling extremely quickly and enjoying learning.

The inspector said in their report: “Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development underpins all of the school’s work. The school is committed to including all pupils, whatever their backgrounds or needs. Leaders ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn successfully and that they are treated fairly without fear of any type of discrimination.”