Local Bromley grammar school, St Olave’s, hosted Christmas Concert to showcase the incredible musical talents of their students.

During the last week of the winter term, students, teachers, relatives, and friends alike all gathered in the warmth of the Great Hall at St Olave’s Grammar School in Bromley to applaud and watch in awe as students from the renowned school took to the stage in their annual Christmas Concert.

Featuring a variety of school groups such as the Symphony Orchestra, the Concert Orchestra, and the Chamber Choir as well as some small ensembles and duets, the event was a spectacular celebration of the endless hours of practice and perseverance put in by the musicians.

Alana Brown is one such musically-minded student, balancing five demanding A-Levels with playing the violin.

She revealed that she has been playing the instrument for an incredible 9 years after visiting “a BYMT [Bromley Youth Music Trust] taster day where you could visit the centre to try out many different types of instruments. After doing so, the violin ultimately felt right for me above all of the other instruments I tried.”

Of course, not even an obvious natural talent for the violin allows Alana to avoid practicing for hours every week. After completing all 8 classical violin grades, Alana is part of two orchestras and must constantly learn several pieces to perform with them.

She explains that “Soon after the taster day, I started having violin lessons and was encouraged by my teacher to join Elementary Strings at BYMT,” an introductory orchestra run by the Trust.

"The violin ultimately felt right for me above all of the other instruments I tried."

Alana has now progressed to the Bromley Youth Chamber Orchestra, with whom she performs 3 times a year after a term of rehearsal. They hold “a festival in the spring, a ‘garden party’ in the summer, and a concert in the winter that is often held in a church.”

As well as gracing the local community with their well-rehearsed melodies, the BYMT even offers the chance for their most passionate and skilled musicians to visit the continent; “Additionally, there is a European tour in the summer for the chamber orchestra where there are many opportunities to perform.”

At St Olave’s, Alana is part of the Chamber Orchestra and joins weekly sessions with her fellow students, describing these as “lively and dynamic.” She is already looking forwards to performing at next year’s Christmas Concert, so make sure to keep an eye out for tickets to the truly inspiring festive event.