A 17-year-old bottled a man during a scrap at Greenwich mega-club Studio 338, a court heard. 

Francis Borg, who is now 19, threw a glass bottle during the fight between two groups on November 7, 2021. 

Borg, of Launcelot Road in Grove Park, was in the dock at Woolwich Crown Court on Monday (November 27, 2023) for sentencing after he pleaded guilty to affray. 

Prosecutor Richard Padley said Borg and the victim were known to each other after an incident at London Bridge McDonald’s a few months earlier. 

Borg had been approached by the victim, who was wearing a balaclava and filming him. 

After threats were exchanged the incident came to an end but the victim posted the video on Instagram. 

When Borg and the victim later bumped into each other at Studio 338 a scuffle broke out between their two groups of friends, Mr Padley said. 

Bouncers broke up the fight, ejected the two groups and tried to send them in opposite directions. 

But Borg continued to make threats before he threw a glass bottle at the victim. 

Borg was later arrested by police who forced entry to his mum’s house after she refused to let them in. 

The court heard that the teen has six convictions for 13 offenses including possession of an offensive weapon, robbery and assaulting an emergency worker. 

Barrister Craig Crosby, representing Borg, said: “It is to be hoped that this is his last brush with random and inflamed violence.” 

Mr Recorder Maxwell-Scott KC, sitting as judge, gave Borg an 18-month community order including 125 hours of unpaid work and 25 days of rehabilitation activity. 

He warned Borg: “If you were an older man you would be looking at a more serious sentence.”