Three Bexley drivers have been prosecuted and hit with fines and costs totalling more than £7,000.

Jason Carr, 35 of Bricklayers Way, Gillingham, was prosecuted under section 17 of the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1972.

Carr pleaded guilty to failing to provide information relating to the identification of the person driving the vehicle when a suspected misuse incident occurred.

The badge displayed in the vehicle had been stolen.

He was fined £666, plus had to pay victim surcharge of £266 and costs of £1,050, making a total of £1,982.

Farida Khan of Messeter Place, Eltham, pleaded guilty to two separate offences of displaying a badge that had been cancelled after the death of the holder.

Khan, 47, was fined £387 for each offence, as well as being ordered to pay a £310 victim surcharge and costs of £1,250, a total of £1,947.

Muhammad Khan of Watling Street, Bexleyheath, pleaded guilty to four separate offences of displaying a badge that had been cancelled after being reported as lost.

Khan, 52, was fined £293 for each offence, as well as ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £469 and costs of £,1450 - £3,091 in total.

All three cases were heard at Bexley Magistrates Court on Wednesday, October 25.

The Blue Badges associated with all three incidents were issued by local authorities outside of Bexley and only one case involved a Bexley resident.

The council has successfully prosecuted 24 motorists for Blue Badge misuse-related offences in the borough during the last year.

In all three cases, the drivers displayed the badges to take advantage of parking concessions they were not entitled to.

Only people who have a physical or non-physical disability affecting their mobility are eligible for a Blue Badge.

Badge holders can benefit from the parking concessions available under the scheme to help them park within a manageable distance of their destination.

Councillor Richard Diment, Bexley's Cabinet Member for Places, said: “Justice has been rightfully served to the individuals who knowingly abused a scheme in place for those with genuine needs.

“Such selfish and dishonest actions are known to impact on the availability of parking spaces for disabled residents and visitors.

“It is crucial therefore that we continue to protect the Blue Badge scheme to ensure that genuine users can park within a manageable distance of their destination and rightfully go about their business.

“Anyone who takes the risk of displaying a cancelled badge should be warned that our officers are actively checking the status of every single badge they come across, in real time, while on duty around the borough.

“In circumstances where a cancelled badge is displayed, an investigation will always follow which will more than likely lead to prosecution and all the associated unsavoury consequences.

“I sincerely hope that the level of fines issued to these latest offenders will serve as a deterrent.”

A Blue Badge must be returned to the issuing authority shown on the front of the badge in any of the following circumstances:

  • the badge has expired

  • the holder’s medical condition/mobility improves and they are no longer eligible

  • a replacement has been issued for a lost or stolen badge and the original has been found

  • the badge is damaged or illegible

  • the holder no longer needs the badge because they are confined to the house, or the holder has passed away.

Blue Badge misuse is a criminal offence that can lead to prosecution, a fine of up to £1,000, an order to pay towards the costs of the council prosecution and a criminal record.